Do you feel a yearning for deeper answers about life and existence? Do you want to intensify your spiritual evolution outside the context of religion? Are you engaged in questions like, “Who am I? Why am I here? How can I live a more meaningful and fulfilled life?”
You are a Seeker and a participant in a personal and collective awakening. This unique, intensive program provides a comprehensive study of the energetic field and bodies, intuitive and psychic development, and personal transformation!
The Intention
The Unscripted Way Spiritual Coaching program moves beyond traditional coaching to immerse Seekers in a comprehensive understanding of the Divine energetic body and potential. The program is designed to support and accelerate personal healing and transformation and nurture the emergence of the authentic, conscious self.
The Unscripted Way Spiritual Counseling approach begins with the premise that we are conditioned to look through our beliefs instead of looking at them. Beliefs are just assumptions taken-as-truth, perpetuated by culture. You can only perceive what you believe to be possible. What if you shattered your beliefs? What would be possible then?
My approach as a Spiritual Counselor is to help people unleash their Divine power through 3 Learning Pillars:
(1) The Understanding of Universal Laws
(2) The Expansion of Consciousness by Examining Our Conditioning
(3) The Appreciation of the Energy Body including Chakras, Aura, and Meridians
The benefit of working with a Spiritual Coach is structure and reflection. The Spiritual Coach acts as a mirror to support your own transformative journey into a deeper understanding of yourself, the Universe, and your Divine potential.
How Will We Work Together?
The first thing we’ll do is have you complete a brief questionnaire and an intention form.
We will then schedule a series of 60 minute calls or Skype sessions, typically at a 3 or 4 week interval. Before each session, you will be provided with a manageable list of reading material, activities, and reflections to complete. Please keep in mind that what you put into the preparation equates to what you can expect to get out of it.
Cost: $200/hour via Skype (some reading materials may be additional and available via online bookstores)
The Unscripted Way approach is not based in any particular religion or belief system. We believe that the Divine exists equally within all beings.
Contact Me today to begin the journey to your Divine Potential!